Relational Restoration Process

Our Relational, Asset-Based, Participatory Live-in Discipleship Process


People flourish when they focus on relationships rather than material resources.


People flourish when they are seen as assets to be appreciated rather than problems to be fixed. 


People flourish when they willingly live into God’s story of change (Creation / Fall / Reconciliation / Re-creation)

Our God is relational. Scripture even teaches us that God is love and exists in perfect relationship within Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

He’s also made human beings in His own image and likeness, which means that we are all relational creatures by nature.

This means that relationships are not just something we do , relationships are the core of who we are and how we flourish.

For this reason, our process is all about restoring wholeness to the Four Key Relationships: with  God, with self , with others, and with the rest of  creation.


Created to trust His love and forgiveness and to obey His design


Designed in God’s image to know and develop my gifts


Created to build each other up


Designed as a steward to add value to the world through work

Relational wholeness takes time and commitment, which is why we utilize a live-in discipleship approach, with all necessities being provided (and maybe a little espresso for good measure).

We commit to walking alongside and learning with our participants for up to two full years (6 months at a time). 

Over the course of time, relationships are restored to wholeness as we walk together as a micro-community: learning the truths of Scripture, participating in classes, and Bible studies. We also seek daily to serve one another and the broader community by putting our collective gifts and skills to work. 

While growing together as a micro-community, we especially strive to develop and deepen our relationships with particular local churches – supportive communities to worship and grow with even after completing the program.

By God’s grace, as the Four Key Relationships are restored, we can begin to truly flourish – glorifying our good God as we enjoy Him together.

Come see for yourself what Relational, Asset-Based, Participatory Restoration looks like!